Sauna Massage Belt in Pakistan. Call 03009533102

About the product
It's time to give up that exhausting exercise regime and boring diet,
those slimming pills and creams that don’t give you the results you want!
Now there’s something totally new on the market and it’s a system that
really works and that you'll love using too! It combines 2 classic
treatments of massage and sauna to create the Sauna Massage.
Studies show that sweating in a sauna for half an hour burns 600 calories.
But a sauna heats your entire body, even the areas where you don’t need it,
making you suffer unnecessary discomfort.
With the Sauna Massage, you decide where to apply the sauna and the high-speed
massage to shape your body. It’s so fast and effective that you can see results
in less than 30 minutes! You can tone your abdomen, reduce that spare tyre, firm
up your buttocks and thighs and get rid of unwanted cellulite.
It’s the only system around with thermo-massage technology, which destroys the fat
and then using the sauna heat that it generates, breaks down fat too, which is then
eliminated by sweating.

Cash on Delivery Available Anywhere in Pakistan.
For Order: Call 03005624799 03115624799 03217731272 03451110955 03451110956
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