Weight Lifting Wrist Wraps

About the product
Available in three different lengths (12"X3", 18"X3", 24"X3").
Excellent Protection for wrist during any weight lifting exercise, Modure Wrist Wraps provide additional wrist support anytime you need it. These affordable but durable wraps are made from a cotton, elastic, and polyester blend that absorbs excess moisture and won’t irritate the skin.If your wrist hurt when you squat or deadlift then it would be very wise to invest in a pair of wrist wraps today, Use them for greater wrist stability anytime you are pressing or going overhead during weightlifting, powerlifting, and strongman training.

This standard Modure Wrist Wrap model comes in black with red strip and the Custom woven logo on edge. It includes a convenient thumb loop and hook-and-loop closure for a secure fit, easy adjustments, and quick removal.Tested for strength and endurance.Comes in pair.
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