Hot round bar alloy steel + section alloy steel

Hot round bar alloy steel + section alloy steel
About the product
Hot rolled steel is formed through a metal rolling process where the steel is pressed at temperatures above the its recrystallization threshold. This makes the steel easier to form, and results in products that are easier to work with.
Hot vs Cold Rolling
As noted above, hot rolled steel is formed when the temperature exceeds its recrystallization threshold. Cold rolling steel involves the opposite process. Cold rolled steel bar is formed when temperatures drop below the steel’s recrystallization threshold. Hot rolled steel is also typically cheaper to produce than cold rolling and the products are formed much easier than in cold rolling. However, during the cooling process, hot rolled steel will shrink and the size and shape of the steel will be less predictable than cold rolled steel.
Hot Rolled Steel Characteristics
Hot rolled steel bar provides a wide variety of beneficial features, including:
• Slightly rounded edges and corners (due to shrinkage).
• Slight distortions, where cooling may leave slightly trapezoidal forms rather than perfectly squared angles.
• Scaled surfaces due to the extreme temperature cooling process.
• Mechanical Properties of Hot & Cold Rolled Steel
• The mechanical properties of steel often depend on their grade, or chemical makeup. For that reason, it is never safe to make assumptions about the mechanical properties of hot rolled vs cold rolled unless they are the same grade. However, as an example the below chart features the chemical properties of 1018 steel and the key differences between the hot and cold rolled versions.
us$ 50000
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