Al-Sakab Women Tonic

Al-Sakab Women Tonic
About the product
Al-Sakab Neutration Women Tonic
The medical answer to a Gynecology problem
Al-Sakab Neutration Women tonic that helps women cope with menopausal and post-menopausal symptoms. It supports normal female reproductive system function, as well as normal hormone utilization and blood hormone levels

Al-Sakan Neutration Women's Health Tonic
Al-Sakab Neutration Women's Health Tonic. Enhances the general health of the uterus, ovaries and urinary bladder, and helps maintain their balanced function and structure.
Women's Health Tonic Benefits and Uses:
• Uterine weakness and atony
Helps maintain healthy tone and posture of uterus and bladder and prevents or restores uterine prolapse, malposition or subinvolution.
• Menstrual problems
Facilitates establishment of healthy and regular menstrual periods. Helps prevent or relieve amenorrhea (abnormal absence of menstruation), dysmenorrhea (difficult or painful menstruation), menorrhagia (abnormally heavy or extended menstrual flow), and metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding from uterus at irregular intervals). Infertility: may help restore fertility in certain cases, but this is unlikely if infertility is due to severe physical abnormalities.
• Pregnancy
As a prenatal tonic to facilitate a healthy, full-term pregnancy, and a smooth delivery.
• Postpartum tonic
Helps tone uterus back to a healthy posture, relieves afterpains, and diminishes excessive lochia.
• Puberty
Facilitates physical transition into womanhood and in some cases can help to minimize acne.
• Menopause
Facilitates a smooth sexual transition and relieves nervousness and hot flashes.
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