About the product
Dear readers,
God Almighty created a sense of hunger so that man could realize the worth of food. But, the man preferred wishes to his dietary needs by ignoring the qualities that a hungry person could have. He ate whatever he wanted or whenever desired. This is how the concept of hunger gradually disappeared and thus the difference between the need of food and the desire of food ended. The result was the terrible diseases.
Human health depends on the right, healthy, nutritious and complete blood which is only obtained from food and gets perfection. Therefore, the balanced and proper use of food according to the need is not only healthful but also saves one from all types of diseases.
In this article, a detailed and comprehensive nutritional program which is the essence of years of study, research and experimentation of the physicians and herbalists for the patients of diabetes. The above mentioned program includes number of options like breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruit and dry fruit, you may choose any of these dietary options and can change them according to your needs, temperament and climatic conditions.
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